'Bulwark Challenge Trophy' by Brian Mollan
On board an aircraft carrier, sports options are necessarily limited. Apart from running / walking in circles round the flight deck, when there were no flying operations, and weather permitted, two sports were popular.
Deck hockey was played on the flight deck, with crude bent sticks and a rope puck, with six people aside. Competition could get quite intense.
Volley ball was played in the aircraft lift well, when not required by the flight or engineering teams. A desperate dive, onto a hard metal deck with sandpaper-like anti-skid paint, to save a point, could result in minor injuries.
As a reward, the winning team was awarded the Challenge Trophy, pictured herein. Whilst not a silver cup, this prestigious trophy was carefully crafted from a finely chromed pee tube cup. Such a cup, with convenient flip top, was thoughtfully provided in the cockpit of the Wessex. A tube connected this to a rubber bladder below the seat. The ‘pee tube’ was supplied in case cockpit occupants were caught short on a long over water flight. It was the responsibility of the person who filled the bladder to empty and sanitize the assembly.
I was not aware of anyone in the ‘ Commando role ‘ having to avail themselves of this facility. The pee tube could have been more relevant to the ant-submarine ‘dunking’ role, with long periods over the water. But the contortions required to use them when in a full immersion suit could be painful to contemplate.

The Bulwark Challenge Trophy!

Flying Marines

A History of Royal Marines Aviation